Friday, September 9, 2011

Write Write Write

So...I wanted to take a moment to throw a question out there, to anyone who actually reads my blog. Lately I have been thinking of my manuscript and the direction I would like it to take. I have different ideas already set and parts written, but I guess I'm at the point where I'm afraid to write a part and spend a great deal of time and truly fall in love with it and then not have it fit. UGH! People who think writers have it easy have another thing coming.
On top of trying to find time to write and be magnificent (ha ha) I'm also studying for my next Praxis Exam for Early Childhood (Grades P-3), you would never think it would be as difficult as it is. Because this is the beginning stage in education teachers and students need to put their best, smarty pants foot forward to soak up the most important aspects of learning. Most of the study guide centers around different psychological theories on ways of learning and teaching, that even makes reading a story book technical.
Not to have this post go off track, my question is what makes you happy? What is something that you could do forever that make things worth while, in terms of employment. I know for me I would love to do anything that has to do with writing. Even though I don't write novels every day and spout sonnets I absolutely love writing and getting involved in different subjects. I know college would discourage me at some points with professors who were less than sympathetic or even courteous. I had a professor who was so cruel I wanted to drop his class, which was Advanced Creative Writing...the class I was looking forward to taking for four years.  Even if I was asking a question I received a rude response dripping with sarcasm and attitude.
Well that was a nice mini rant, so if anyone is out there I'd love to hear your opinion on a dream drop that really involves your interests!!

Til Next Time

Thursday, September 8, 2011

So B-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l

Oh my goodness, so I was peeking through followers of others blogs and came across @My Shabby Streamside Studio Oh my goodness, amazing!!! I just saw the cottage she created from an old hunting cabin and it is breathtaking. I recently wrote her an e-mail saying that I too will one day have one similar even if I have to build it in my backyard!! Such inspiring beautiful work. Def. visit her blog or view images at which were taken by the NY Times. I have to say looking at all the beautiful creations others are able to make is truly inspiring.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Living Vicariously

So as of lately I have living vicariously through @American Expat In London the creator being Kristina. What an amazing blog!!! She just makes me want to pick up and go over to London! I have been looking and I certainly wouldn't mind obtaining my Master's Degree there =).  I was wondering if anyone has any knowledge of this I would greatly appreciate it 

The idea of going to another country and not knowing a single person is terrifying, but I just keep looking for information just in case!